  • Big Data
  • Apache Spark

Apache Spark Basics with Hands on Training

  • 1 week
  • 2 Lectures

This course is an introduction to Apache Spark architecture and is an ideal course package for individuals who want to understand the basic concepts Distributed Computing using Apache Spark with hands on experience. On completing this course, trainees will be able to understand the basic concepts of Apache Spark architecture, components, how and where to work with Spark and many more. In addition, they would be able to setup Apache Spark framework on top of a Hadoop cluster.

4.8 200 Reviews

Saikat Sarkar

  • Exp. 13+ years

“Saikat Sarker has over 13 years of experience in ICT sector in various roles in Bangladesh and abroad. Currently he is working as a Data Engineering consultant in a well-established IT resourcing firm in North America. He has earned his under-graduate degree in Computer Science & Engineering and started to acquire his graduation in Applied Computer Science in one of the renounced universities of North America. Saikat has worked on different roles in Data arena for last 13+ years. He worked as Data Analyst, BI Analyst, Big Data Developer, Data Engineer and completed quite a few projects that involves Big Data Technologies, Cloud Technologies and Programming. He also has grown his interest in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He is a data expert comprising extensive experience in Big Data, Apache Spark, Google Cloud Platform, Python, PySpark etc. Saikat considers himself as a life-long and continuous learner. To demonstrate that, he has acquired quite a few certifications in different areas of IT. To mention some of those are AWS-CSAA, Scrum Master, Scrum Developer, OCP, RHCE etc. ”

Course Description:

This course is an introduction to Apache Spark architecture and is an ideal course package for individuals who want to understand the basic concepts Distributed Computing using Apache Spark with hands on experience. On completing this course, trainees will be able to understand the basic concepts of Apache Spark architecture, components, how and where to work with Spark and many more. In addition, they would be able to setup Apache Spark framework on top of a Hadoop cluster.

Learning Outcomes:

Trainees will be able to understand the basic concepts of Apache Spark, different components, how to use spark using Python (PySpark), what are the benefits of using Spark etc. In addition, they would be able to setup Apache Spark framework on top of a Hadoop cluster.

Evaluation Criteria:

• One quiz (25 Multiple Choice Questions* 2 Marks in each)

• There will be a certificate after completing the course including the examination. It is subjected to attendance of all the planned classes and quiz.

Who Should Apply:

• Undergraduate/Post-Graduate Students of relevant study especially CSE/IT/ECE/EEE/ETE are Highly Encouraged to Apply

Requirement of attending the course:

Basic understanding on Computer Operating System (Windows and Linux)

Concept on Programming Language (Python) and Database Management System

Basic concept on Hadoop echo system

Knowledge on Linux system administration is preferable


Logistic Requirement of attending the course:

A good configuration of laptop or Desktop (Shall be able to run minimum 2 Virtual Machine)

Stable internet connection to attend online class


Who Should Participate?

Undergraduate/Post-Graduate Students of relevant study especially CSE/IT/ECE/EEE/ETE are Highly Encouraged to Apply

ICT Professionals having interest on Big Data also can attend


Course Fee



Class Schedule

As per Course Calendar

SN Topic Name Description Hours Type Date Time
1 Introduction to Apache Spark

• Reviewing Big Data

• What is Apache Spark?

• Core components of Apache Spark

• Basic tasks of Apache Spark

• RDD, DataFrame and DataSets

• Programming with Spark

• Basic functions in Spark

1 Hour Theory

8th Jan 2021 10:00 - 11:00

2 Hands on of Spark

• Installing Standalone Spark

• Preparation of a Spark Job for solving a problem

• Administration and monitoring of Spark Jobs

• Tuning Spark jobs

2 Hours Practical

9th Jan 2021 10:00 - 12:00


By following rules you will be eligible for certificate:

Attend all classes

Submit all assignments